Join us to create lasting change

No Taps would love to partner with you

Why Partner With Us?

At No Taps Foundation, we understand the importance of creating sponsorship opportunities that cater to the specific needs and interests of our valued partners.

Our goal is to collaborate closely with you to create a customised sponsorship package that that suit your specific interests, objectives, and desired level of involvement. partner with us to directly impact communities in need and witness the transformative effects of your support.

Ways To Partner With Us?

Introducing AquaVantage
Businesses as our Partners:
Donate services, stock,
experiences, in-kind items,
art, and more.

All profits fund our water projects.
Join us for a powerful impact.

Become a Transformation Partner
and fund an entire water project of
your choice with exclusive
naming rights. Attend a virtual or
physical opening and receive
prominent recognition for your
generous support.

Event Partners and gain media
exposure, enhanced CSR, and a
chance to engage your employees
in meaningful philanthropic
activities. Align your brand with a
reputable cause, and provide

clean water.

E M P O W E R M E N T ,    E X C E L L E N C E ,    C O L L A B O R A T I O N ,   I N T E G R I T Y ,   C O M P A S S I O N ,   A N D  I N N O V A T I O N

Let's Build A Better World Together

One drop at a time.

At No Taps, our mission is to end the global water crisis. At No Taps, our unwavering determination to our mission is guided by our core principles. Every day, our team wakes up with the passion to make a lasting impact.


Partner with No Taps and make a tangible difference in the lives of communities in need. By joining hands with us, your corporation can play a vital role in providing clean and safe water to those who need it most, while showcasing your commitment to social responsibility and making a lasting impact on the world.

Benfits Of Sponsorship


Sponsorship Package

(Under 5,000 people in the

○ Recognition and branding: Your business logo prominently displayed at the sponsored site.

○ Social media exposure: Regular mentions and appreciation on No Taps Foundation's social media platforms.

○ Certificate of recognition: A personalized certificate acknowledging your contribution to the community.

○ Impact report: Receive a detailed report on the project's progress and the positive changes brought about by your sponsorship.


Sponsorship Package

(Under 10,000 people in the

○ All benefits from the Bronze Sponsorship Package, plus

○ Dedicated press release: A press release announcing your partnership with No Taps Foundation and the sponsored site.

○ Site visit opportunity: An invitation for up to two representatives from your business to visit the sponsored site and witness the impact of your contribution firsthand.

○ Additional branding opportunities: Your logo featured in No Taps Foundation's promotional materials and newsletters.


Sponsorship Package

(Under 5,000 people in the

○ All benefits from the Bronze and Silver Sponsorship Packages, plus

○ Exclusive naming rights: The sponsored site can be named after your business or a name of your choice for a period of 10 years, providing significant long-term visibility and recognition within the community.

○ VIP site visit opportunity: An exclusive invitation for up to four representatives from your business to visit the sponsored site and witness the impact of your contribution firsthand. Including internal travel arrangements, a dedicated videographer to capture your experience, and the expert guidance of a No Taps representative. This unique adventure will allow you to witness the tangible results of your contribution and create lasting memories.

○ Prominent signage and branding: Your business logo prominently displayed at the sponsored site, including on buildings, infrastructure, and project signage.

○ Enhanced media exposure: Collaborate with No Taps Foundation on a comprehensive media campaign, featuring interviews, articles, and press releases that highlight your partnership and the positive impact of your contribution.

How Water Project Sponsorship Works

You make a donation

On average, fully funding a project start at $40,000 and can cost $100,000 or more depending on the location and project type. Covered Costs

We match you with a water project

A member of our team will be in touch to allocate your donation to an
appropriate water project.

Receive ongoing Progress Reports

The average water project takes 6-8 weeks to complete. We’ll keep you updated along the way.

Every Drop Matters.

Every Second Counts.

Supporting Partners

Empower Our Mission Through Shared Expertise

As a non-profit charity dedicated to our cause, we understand that the road to creating lasting change is best traveled with strong partners by our side. We believe that collaboration is the cornerstone of our success, and we are constantly seeking like-minded organisations and individuals to join us in this meaningful journey. We invite companies and professionals from various industries to consider supporting us with their specialised services.There are numerous ways your skills and resources can make a profound impact: From marketing wizards who can amplify our message to skilled graphic designers who enhance our visual communication, web developers optimizing our online presence, and event managers creating successful fundraisers, and much more.

Every expertise contributes to our mission.

Donor Involvement

Embrace exclusive chances to visit our project sites in person each year. Connect with the local communities, gain profound insights into their journey, and witness the direct positive impact of your support.

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Sustainable Innovation

 Our lake filtration machines draw water from the vast and renewable source of Lake Victoria. This sustainable approach ensures a consistent and reliable supply of water for the communities we serve while actively contributing to cleaning and purifying the lake.

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Community Intergration

 Our lake filtration machines draw water from the vast and renewable source of Lake Victoria. This sustainable approach ensures a consistent and reliable supply of water for the communities we serve while actively contributing to cleaning and purifying the lake.

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Start a Fundraiser

Run a race, sell lemonade, or celebrate your birthday turn your event into one that will change lives. Set up an online fundraiser and invite your friends and family to donate.

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Shop and Support

Donate through your purchases!Explore our collection of art, unique experiences, and merchandise, all of which directly support our mission at No Taps.

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Help us spread the word.

Share our pages on social media to join the transformative impact of No Taps as we work towards changing the world.  We can't do it alone,  Follow us now and be a part of the positive change!

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Attend an Event

Mark your calendars! Whether it's a fundraising gala, a charity walk, a community awareness day, or a virtual event, your participation can make a significant difference

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Your Choice, Your Impact

You have the freedom to choose which project you support. Immerse yourself in our projects with virtual field trips and tours that bring them to life. Track progress with regular updates from the construction phase to the completion of your chosen project.

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Be Part of the Solution

Compassionate people like you are changing the world.
Enter your email to join our mission.

Be Part of the Solution

Compassionate people like you are changing the world.
Enter your email to join our mission.

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Institution: Nangweso Special School for the Deaf
Principal: Anne Annker
Nyangweso Special School for the Deaf Pry is a public primary school in West Kochia. This school is run by central government/deb. It is a day school. This educational institution is an ordinary and mixed type of institution.
The School is located in Homa Bay County, Rangwe Constituency. The geographical location map coordinates for this school is -0.474454 (Latitude), 34.546897 (Longitude).
The school has a population of 200 learners and gets water from a nearby Dam that is across the road managed by Lake Basin Development Authority for use. They have written to Lake Basin Development Authority to give the school access to use the water for filtration.
The Dam is 400m from the school and poses a very high risk for the deaf children when crossing the road to fetch water from the Dam. The school on a daily basis uses around 2,000L of water per day.
The school has a broken borehole fixed with solar panels. Water from the borehole is very high in fluoride and therefore not suitable for use.
The institution has applied to the county government children office to assist the school to fund partially the guttering system.
Nyangweso special School for the Deaf is surrounded by a population of around 5,000 people and consumes around 300,000L of water per day.

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Institution: Kolunga Community Health Center
In-charge- Griffine Owino
Kolunga Community Health Center is a clinic in Homa Bay County, Kenya. The Dispensary is situated nearby to the aerodrome Rusinga Airport.
Kolunga community center is around 50 meters from the Lake Victoria; the facility gets its water for its daily use from the Lake.
The Health center has only 1, 1000L water tank for water harvesting during rainy season
The facility uses around 800L of water every day, which makes it 24,000L of water per month
The facility serves around 400 patients per month and has a catchment population of 7,452 people thatwill consume 7,452X100L= 7, 00,452 L of water per month.

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